Tuesday 30 January 2018

Biofertilizers, the microbial inoculants can increase growth and yield of inoculated

Chapter 19


19.1. General Features

Recently, the use of microbial iocula for incereasing growth and yield of diversified crop plants is getting popular. In addition to incresed yield its application improves the enviroment as well, and ensures the sustainable agriculture system. Various types of biofertilizer and their formulations are available in agricultural field. Biofertilizers, the microbial inoculants can increase growth and yield of inoculated plants through the following processes:

-By fixing atmospheric N2
-Increasing phytohormone production and thereby root growth
-Enchancing uptake of certain unavalible nutrient elements namely P, K, Zn, Fe etc
-Improving uptake capacity of  ater
-Acting as biocontrol agent againts diseases and pests
Thes microbial inocula are mainly prokaryotic bacteria (Sahoo et al., 2013), mycorhizal fungi, cyanobacteria (previously knon as blue green algae) and azolla-anabaena are the most common biofertilizers.
The most important mechanism is the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), the process of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to available- N (NH4+). It is estimated that total world BNF is much higher than idustrial fixation, and is assumed that tota annual BNF rangers from 200 to 250 mMt per year (Marschner, 2011). Eight families of Cyanobacteria and 11 families of bacteria are capable for the BNF process

Important Characteristics of  Biofertilizesrs
-It is eco-friendly and cost effective fertilizer which can increase crop yield by 20-30%
-Increase soil fertility by adding N by fixing atmospheric N2
-Enhance uptake of other nutrients like P,K,Ca, and Fe despite of N


Bab 19


19.1. Fitur Umum

Baru-baru ini, penggunaan iocula mikroba untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil panen tanaman diversifikasi mulai populer. Selain menambah hasil penerapannya juga memperbaiki lingkungan, dan memastikan sistem pertanian berkelanjutan. Berbagai jenis biofertilizer dan formulasinya tersedia di lahan pertanian. Biofertilizer, inokulan mikroba dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman yang diinokulasi melalui proses berikut:

-Dengan memperbaiki N2 atmosfer
-Meningkatkan produksi fitohormon dan dengan demikian pertumbuhan akar
- Menghasilkan serapan unsur hara tak terbantahkan tertentu yaitu P, K, Zn, Fe dll
-Meningkatkan kapasitas tangkapan ater
-Mengikuti agen biokontrol melawan penyakit dan hama

Inokulum mikroba terutama bakteri prokariotik (Sahoo et al., 2013), jamur mycorhizal, cyanobacteria (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai ganggang hijau biru) dan azolla-anabaena adalah biofertilizers yang paling umum.

Mekanisme yang paling penting adalah fiksasi nitrogen biologis (BNF), proses konversi nitrogen atmosfir (N2) menjadi n-NH (NH4 +). Diperkirakan bahwa total dunia BNF jauh lebih tinggi daripada fiksasi idustrial, dan diasumsikan bahwa tota tahunan BNF rangers dari 200 sampai 250 mMt per tahun (Marschner, 2011). Delapan keluarga Cyanobacteria dan 11 famili bakteri mampu melakukan proses BNF

Karakteristik Penting Biofertilizesrs
-Ini adalah pupuk ramah lingkungan dan hemat biaya yang dapat meningkatkan hasil panen sebesar 20-30%
-Meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dengan menambahkan N dengan memperbaiki N2 atmosfer
-Mengambil serapan nutrisi lain seperti P, K, Ca, dan Fe meskipun N

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