Friday, 18 October 2019

Javascript Still Exist In The Future

Is it difficult for JavaScript to survive as a programmer in the future?

You can only answer “I don't know” by replacing “JavaScript” with any language.

The programming community is so fast-changing that no other company can compare. The programming language itself is going out of fashion, there are changes in needs, and when frameworks and tools are included, things that were popular last year have gone out of use this year, and even that nobody did it next year. It is possible. In particular, I think that nobody around the web like JavaScript knows exactly.

No one knows the future. I don't know if the technology you have now becomes mainstream next year or it's gone. There are times when more innovative technology comes out and everyone is moving there. Looking at JavaScript alone, JavaScript itself is evolving. If you were writing in JavaScript a long time ago, you will be told that no one will do that.

The important thing is always trying to reach out. It's also a problem to keep up with the latest, but it's also a problem to stick to what you have without chasing anything. I think that I can't survive if I don't have the attitude that I have always learned by gathering information, challenging everything, and choosing what I want to learn. If this is enough and satisfied now, you will be left behind in an era and you will be treated as a person of the previous era who wrote old code, and you will be asked to create a new program. It will be gone. You may only be able to maintain a program that someone has created in the past, and you may just wait to be notified that you don't have to come tomorrow when the new program is replaced.

I expect that JavaScript's dominance in the front end will collapse and will definitely go away. The backend is too rival, so I don't think there's any good thing about JavaScript that will surely survive.

I'm not sure. What you don't know is that you can learn the language right away, so if you're done with JavaScript, you just have to learn another language.

I say to myself, but will most programmers in the world take a lot of effort to learn one language?
So my conclusion is, "It's hard to survive as a programmer if you think you can survive only in a specific language or technology."

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